reset -
it occured to me, that the iggy list for yahoo, and the archives, if one never goes into a chatroom, are pointless. So... knowing this, i have cleared the entire archives directory, cleared out my iggybin, and reset everything to defaults. Stripped my contact list back to its original "pre-chat" format, and now everything in life should return to normal.
That was one experience i never want to go through again.
Fool me once? shame on you! fool me twice? shame on me!
This will probably hurt a little while longer, however, yeah... it was the internet, so she wouldn't have been real anyway. never would've visited, and it was all just typical chatroom crap. You can't love someone unless you meet them face to face. You can't know someone until you meet them face to face. Cuz gossip rules the chatroom world, in person, you can see the actions and the words, and actually know if what you see, is what you get.
sigh, well, too bad then. buck up li'l tumbleweed, and lets hit the trail again, watch for injuns, and keep the hat tilted to protect my eyes from the sun. Stay on the watering hole for the horses, and keep the canteen close at hand. The rifle's clean, and the 6 shooter is ready on the hip.
mount up... and ride...
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 2:47 p.m. |

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