once upon a time... -
I used to be able to make sense of stuff. Cuz well, folks are generically predictable. Take self obsession, add denial, subtract 15 years from their age for emotional maturity; and then add pms for women and alcohol for me....tada the average person; no matter what crap about their "goodness" that they feed themselves.
but now?
well, no matter what i think about folks; which is generally far too much faith in the collective sub-conscious; i have realized that denial must now also factor in....
for example... has anyone ever said this? "I can't believe so and so said that, did that, acted that way, treated me like that; i would never do that!!!!!" yet....
like clockwork, everyone has. everyone has hurt someone. everyone has lied to someone. everyone has thought about killing someone. everyone has wished someone was dead. everyone has thought about stealing. everyone has thought about driving into oncoming traffic, or at least that one car coming toward them. everyone has done all of these things and can't say "i'm a good person" cuz that is the biggest load of crap that anyone can feed themselves (self included, however, i don't say i'm a good person, i say i'm human; meaning the full inclusion of pragmatic realization that i too have done all of those things listed).
so... when you're talking about what you are and who you are and all of that and say "i have never done " then you are a liar. Which again, agrees with everything i've ever read.
the irony of it to me is this, there is a bible, there is a God. Who has said all these things. And i can completely understand why people say that they're "athiest" and that there is "no God" cuz that would mean having to come to grasps with the innate evil and reality of their own nature, which of course, will immediately interfere with their denial issues, and personal ambitions of self.
k, that is my vent. mostly cuz i needed to vent. I don't care if you have an opinion on it, simply cuz i didn't ask you for it, so try something unique. try not giving it to me, cuz i will just delete it. Or better yet :D open your own blog and spew your shite there for the world to read, and then they'll see that yup, you too are a self focused deluded living in denial narcissist.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 12:55 p.m. |

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