the misunderstanding of fear.... -
fear is a wonderful attribute of life, God allows it, satan uses it, people are either driven or trapped by it,
fear has three distinct qualities, it enables the quality of combat, it enables the quaility of flight, and it paralyzes.
now, flight and paralysis are disabling attributes, those that do not understand fear suffer from this. combat - or fight - is an enabling attribute, those that have a source and foundation can conquer.
fear is meant to be conquered. that is its purpose, its only function. to propel us toward the fullness of who and what we are, beyond our own expectations, toward our completion.
if one is without foundation and without core essence, then fear will always disable them, because they cannot draw from the source within their spirit to stand steadfast against its dabilitating aspects.
God allows it for His sake. because it goes hand in hand with the concepts of control. now control is also dabilitating. as well as a formidable illusion.
after all, change is perpetual and inevitable. so if change must occur, how can control contain it? control by its very nature is disabling. it prevents growth and inhibits the ability to conquer fear.
unless its given away. now here is the trick. in order to conquer fear, control must be given away. if one retains control, then they will either flee or be paralyzed. disabled.
now, unless one has a core centric of God and all his power, then in no way can a person give away control. because that requires trust. trust of the unseen, the only true tangible.
those that have that core centric of God and all of God in control, can move to"
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