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"there is only one perfect moment in every moment under heaven for any single occurance or event!"

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blog template resignation - Monday, May 09, 2005

k... so i've decided and finalized with this design. which is more or less the same design as the blog template for my poetry blog

Except of course this blog will have a different image. I still have to add the integrated mp3 player for all the blogs for everyone on my servers, so that each person can upload tunes for the readers listening pleasure... however, i haven't decided yet how i want to do that....

prolly gonna have to create a root directory for blogs and work from that perspective on it...
such is the life of a programmer...

And of course, there is the integration of blogger and maybe livejournal into the cms/crm product line, and of course, the integration of the image gallery for each of the users that wish to post pictures associated with their blogger

well, other than that... i've had a great weekend. life is good, God is faithful, my friends are still constant and I still feel blessed and at peace about life, love and the road to tomorrow...


Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 1:03 a.m. |


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