blogger API testing -
So far I've tested two api's for the blogger/server integration.... DoPost and Zoundry. Both function adaquately as post text/wysiwyg editors. Both fail miserably as image integrators.
this is going to require some thought... and if this turns out to be a headache, i'm just going to build my own... cuz dammit, it isn't that hard to create an integrated ftp client to upload images... 1: you test the connection 2: you declare the image directory or create the image directory 3: you upload the image 4: you close the connection 5: THEN you post the blog entry and don't adjust the code within the editor so that the uploaded relative path matches the directory selected for upload.
since most ftp connections allow for the creation of directories, it isn't even required that an image directory actually exists, since it can test for it and create it if it doesn't.
programmers are smart cookies, but really as far as intuitiveness goes... most of em are so tagged by what they had to memorize that 3 dimensional problem avoidance and anticipation are just not part of their collective skills.
DoPost just hangs and locks and stops functioning all together.
Zoundry just decides all on its own to create a new name for the image, ignore the declared image repository location and create a thumbnail which it doesn't upload, nor does it upload the original image. Which rather makes the step of image repository a pointless step within the Zoundry API.
However, having said that I do like Zoundry better so far, as its not as pretty and it doesn't look better than it is for the sake of pretty application sake. Of course, source editing isn't even an option, yup, you can view source, but you can't touch it. At least DoPost will let you edit the source of your blog entry.... not that it matters. Cuz once you go to source edit view, and edit the source? It will no longer publish the post...
so then.... I need to speak w/ a few of my buds and see what can be done about this...
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 12:04 p.m. |

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