Sex and demons -
I have decided to write about something I know about... As opposed to static ramblings of innocuous pointless dribble. This has come about because I've been asked about the number of women that I've slept with prior to my relationship with God, which then determines the sudden drop in my promiscuity and such.
Now, don't misunderstand me. I'm just as horny as before, and rut and ache for it as much as the next guy, and yup, it is brutal, and yup I even want to manage it on my own because it is that difficult. However, I have an understanding now, by God's wisdom, of things that are spiritual.
We as a people have no issue believing in angels, and I've even known professed atheists speak of angels as entities (which is a paradox, however, that is another blog...). It strikes me though, that if one believes in angels, then one must accept the existence of counter spirits, or demons. And as such, must realize that there is a hierarchy and tier system of government within this spiritual existence.
For this writing I'm going to concentrate on sexual demons and so forth. I'm not going to give you the solution - although there is one - simply because if one is not ready to fully commit one's own life to a bar of existence above what one lives now, then indeed - because of the nature of narcissism and society - would blindly and ignorantly believe that it can be used as dismissively as a condom on the spiritual plane. And although a condom is affective 98% of the time, using spiritual cleansing is only affective if one abstains after the cleansing, and doesn't move toward perpetual continuation. Errors of judgment here and there, is one thing, because God is a merciful God, however, it isn't a God that will take to mockery. He rather demands accountability and expects that we learn from His wisdom toward avoidance of continued mistakes.
Sex and demons, dreams and spirits in the night: If anyone has ever had a sexual dream, or felt "pinned" to the bed, or suffered from sleep hypnosis, or sleep paralysis, then they have had the unpleasant experience of a demon visit them. These demons are known as incubus (Incubi) or succubus (Succubi).
If you have read the reference information than I won't have to go into the detailed explanations of the purpose of these demons. My interest for discovery is more to show how they can come into your life. Hence the title 'sex and demons'
If you are a virgin, then the discussion would involve hereditary issues stemming from your parents and grandparents, and as such, will be left to another entry. So I'll concentrate on sexual intercourse.
Just as with STD's every partner we have; represents having sex with every partner they've had, and every partner that their partners have had, and so on down the line. The potential to contract an STD is higher than what we would expect. Spiritually though, it is a guarantee. Each human being has issues in their lives which keep them trapped in their own fears, as well as some folks have been molested, or raped etc. The rapist, and the molesters transmit a higher concentration of spirits because their sexual situations have bred toward propagation. So anyone having been raped or molested can actually contract legions of demons which will be reflected later on in their sexual promiscuity, such as pain, bondage, debasing sex, being spoken to or speaking in debasement toward themselves, or towards others during the activity itself.
Now, God did invent sex. That s a given, however, it isn't just for pro-creation as the religious purest would have us believe. The orgasm is a spiritual experience, manifested physically, for the purpose of unification toward the separated spirit of the two reunited to the one from God's initial created intention.
Within this orgasm is where the spirits are transferred. However, only one need have the orgasm. Not both. Nor is the orgasm required internally. Since, the copulation has already occurred, either orally or through intercourse, the avenue of access has been achieved. And the spirits may "jump" or duplicate or "transfer" as it is known in Christian religious circles; having been coined as "transference of an unclean spirit."
If anyone wonders why, something that is going so well, starts to go badly after sexual encounters with a partner, this is why. Now each is carrying the other persons baggage, as well as their own, as well as the baggage of all of each others previous partners. The suppression of the positive feelings, and the repetitive nature of the physical act becomes stale and the depth of the passion transfers to the perpetuation of the act, each seeking their own satisfaction.
These sexual inter-relations, also open up the door to the spiritual domains. If anyone were to truly look at their dream life, and their sexual dream life, and trace it backwards, they would be able to find the location and time of when the dreams with the incubus and succubus spirits first take place. (Now, for anyone that is wondering, God does allow this to be a non issue for the first virgin copulation, so if both partners were virgins at the time of their first sexual encounter, than no transference would take place, as the first union is precious to God for the integrity of the reunification of the spirits toward one spirit).
When a person stops remembering their dreams this is related to the extreme level of the sexual relations they are having with the demons. In some cases multiple demons can be involved in a sexual encounter during sleep, simultaneously or one after the other, dependent again upon the sexual life of the individual involved.
The use of foreign objects and such during masturbation is also a method. Picture if you will a junkie. Sitting in the corner of your room. You choose to self satisfy. This junkie can only survive on the pleasure you receive. It comes to you, during your masturbation (and if it is a toy or such that one is using, then there are spirits attached to it already), and during your release can drink part of your soul out of you. Which is why some people have admitted to feeling depressed after the actual event of masturbation.
It is wholly unhealthy to continue in this venture for sensation, or release or healing, since the momentary release is not worth the cost of the death of the heart.
I have had numerous partners prior to my relationship with God, and did suffer many of these same things, in dreams as well as to the level where my sexual activity digressed. I have not had any (save the last month, due to a visitation with sexual misconduct - as I stated, I'm human also, and fail myself) attacks from incubus, succubus spirits and found that my passion and emotional health increased and my sexual appetite decreased. Not unhealthily, rather towards the expression of love toward another human, and not toward sexual gratification.
Since the ending of this last relationship, I again no longer have the sexual dreams or the constant need to self manage. My partner was adamant toward sexual satisfaction within their life toward expression and as a result, there were numerous phone calls and such, leading me to realize that even mutual masturbation with toys or not, still can actuate the same result spiritually and in dreams. So if anyone is a participant in phone sex or cyber sex in their habits, then be warned that it is still quite likely that you can be spiritually infected then also.
I realize that anyone involved in sexual activity is not going to agree with this, since it will interfere with their chosen lifestyles, however, the truth of the matter doesn't change because one is not happy or cannot accept what it is that they've heard. Free will is still a variable, and whether or not a person participates or abstains, has no bearing on the realities of the spiritual world.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 11:53 p.m. |

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