"the battle" (oct 15th, 2003) -
The Battle is Won!
We searched far and wide, both high and low to route out the enemy. Failing to expose him, we returned defeated… Only to discover that we had searched in vain - the enemy was within…
We had gone to war, but we were defeated before we reached the battlefield. For we did not recognize the enemy, nor could we recognize his attacks or from where it would come. We were at a loss as to where to find him…
(“in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his schemes” 2 Corinthians 2:11)
Returning to our camp, defeated, we settled not down, nor partook of any sustenance. Instead, we gathered together to take inventory and undertake examination of what remained of ourselves. The Captain rose and read from the list. Those who had fought honorably were set to the right, and those that failed were bound together and chained in the stockade. Upon our dismissal, each of us on the right, returned – each to their tent, to prepare for the great battle. Tomorrow we would destroy the enemy… The enemy that is within…
We struggled and clawed at the rock, straining to reach the top, weighed down with our incredibly (perceived) burdens. Sharp cries of anguish would echo throughout the valley as some would slip and slide down the rugged face of the cliff… refusing to let go of their struggles - overcome by the gravity of their shame. Many clung to crevices, exhausted and drained, stopping their climb. The rest of us groaned under our weight, straining for the crest, the apex of our hope – dropping load after load to free our hands toward a more firm grip of the promise…
At the summit, climbers scurried to and fro, bearing their buoyant loads, preparing for the feast. The Captain stood on the crest, surveying the scene. He turned and gazed down at the valley, and surveyed all the baggage that had been dropped, to tumble down the face resting finally at the foot of the cross. Why did the others struggle so with their fears? Why did they prefer to hold onto the weights that kept them bound, instead of climbing toward the promise? The price has already been paid, all were already freed to throw off their burdens and scale the heights. Tears filled the eyes of the Captain as he turned and faced heaven, “Father, please let them know…”
We huddled, wrapped in blankets, warming ourselves by the fire. Visions of the enemy raced through our heads. My heart fluttered as I looked numbly around at the others. Some were trembling – others were staring steely eyed into the burning embers. Tomorrow was to be the day – the day when we would attack. We had prepared long for this day, each one struggling to win (his own) battles… the battles within – the battle with fear, with selfishness, with pride, with worthiness, with love… with self control. No one spoke. All seemed transfixed.
Ashon rose and walked to the center of the circle, standing by the fire. He gazed at all of us with strength and faith in his eyes. He opened the old book, the pages worn and tattered and began to read:
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide in the Almighty’s shade. I will say to Jehovah: My refuge and my fortress, my God; I will trust in Him. For He delivers you from the fowler’s trap, from destruction’s plague. With His feathers He will cover you, and under His wings you shall seek refuge; His truth is a shield and buckler. You shall not fear the terror of night, of the arrow that flies by day; of the plague that walks in the darkness; of the destruction laying waste at noonday. A thousand shall fall by your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes you shall look, and see the reward of the wicked. Because You, O Jehovah, are my refuge; you make the Most High your habitation. No evil shall happen to You, nor shall any plague come near Your tent. For He shall give His angels charge over You, to keep You in all Your ways. They shall bear You up in their palms, that You not dash Your foot on a stone. You shall tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent You shall trample underfoot.
Ashon paused, to give us a moment to reflect and absorb the passage from the book, the gazes around the flames had softened, some eyes misty with hope… Ashon spoke… “Remember who you are, and who He is that has called you to this war…” He cleared his throat and continued to read…
Because he has set his love on Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because He has known My name. He shall call on Me and I will answer him; I will be with him in distress; and I will rescue him and honor him. I will satisfy him with length of days and will make him see My salvation. (psalm 91)
Ashon closed the book and a warm sense of peace began to descend upon us and envelope our motley little band. Victory was assured. Our Captain had already won the war.
From the crest of the hill we could see them coming, dark outlines in the hazy early morning light. In the distance they looked like a thick dark swarm moving steadily over the terrain. We waited, each one gripping tightly their sword and shield, feet planted firmly, faces set towards the rising sun. Each minute seemed to span an hour. We contemplated what was about to occur, trying to discern the dark shapes approaching. The steam from our breath rose silently in the chill dawn. The rumble of thousands of marching feet, coming for the showdown, filled the air. We waited, and observed – soon we were able to make out their individual forms. Finally, they stopped at the foot of our hill – thousands upon thousands of them, spread out across the valley. We could now, for the first time, clearly see our enemy. Their hideous forms were arrayed row upon row. Deformed homely faces peered up at us. The stench of death and decay was repugnant to my nostrils, and I wished to vomit, but I didn’t flinch for I had made my stand and committed my faith. I – We would fight to the end. Silently I prayed, “Father, give us strength.” No one moved. Each second seemed like an eternity. Thousands of blood coal eyes bore up at us, the five of us glared back, waiting for the next move. Their ranks slowly parted and an incredible dark warrior strode out from among them. He was adorned as a prince and the ground shook as he approached us. He stood bold and taunting, with eyes that seemed to suck me into an abyss of cold despair… He spoke as my focus returned… “I have come to claim what is mine”, he thundered. “Who will prevail against me? Who will dare test my steel?”
From behind the rock where He had been sleeping our Captain arose and donned His cloak. Fire was in His eyes and a double mouthed sword was in His mouth. His voice thundered out across the valley and the entire hoard fell on their faces save one. “I will prevail against you dark prince! You have no claim here. I have paid the price! See it here!” The Captain raised His cloak to show His bloody side, and extended His hands so that the blood could be seen running from His pierced hands. The dark prince stumbled backward and collapsed to his knees falling to his face. The Captain, our Captain, grabbed the dark prince by his hair and pulled his head back, placing His sword upon his throat. “If only this were the appointed day, but it is not… we’ll continue another day. Be gone with you!” A cloud of smoke was all that remained where the dark prince had fallen.
Suddenly as if scales had fallen from my eyes, I saw them, thousands of beings of light descending to haul the enemy away. Within minutes, the wails and screams of terror trailed off into the distance. We surveyed the scene of desolation, and questions flooded my mind. All this preparation and it was already over? “Captain? Where are you? What happened?” A bright beam of light fell on me and I looked up and beheld my Captain sitting on a throne, high and lifted up. Tears welled up in my eyes as I heard Him say, “the battle was only ever mine!”
Suddenly the dark prince sprang out before me from under the stile, wielding his bloodied weapons of war. The sun glinted off of my steel as we circled around each other, each waiting for the other to flinch. Smoke curled out of his nostrils and his narrow eyes glowed with a red hatred. My eyes never left his as the dust churned under our feet. Suddenly a wave of panic swept across his face, and he bolted to run. My sword caught him across the back of his shoulder as he turned, and howled obscenities at me as he turned into wind and disappeared. Shaken, I peered around to see what had terrorized him so. Finally, I saw off in the distance the Captain watching from the hill, His cloak billowing in the breeze. He shouted out, “Let your eyes be opened to see!” Then, I beheld as if in a dream, the heavenly army descending with chariots of fire and weapons of the light. They were clothed in white and shone like the sun. Gratefully, I sheathed my sword, and fell to my knees to worship. “Thank you Lord! Praise you Father!” (2 Kings 6:8-23)
Each of us humbly bowed and breathlessly waited for the touch of our Captain’s sword, on our heads. The touch that would bring healing to all of our battle scars. Finally I saw His feet, stained with blood before me and felt His sword come down, resting lightly on my head. Warmth flooded through my body and I fell forward washing His feet with my tears of joy, kissing His feet. I felt strength flowing down throughout my tired aching body, and I felt young again. Strong hand’s lifted me to my feet and wiped the tears from my eyes. “You have fought the good fight! Go and rest, because tomorrow we will do battle again.” He vanished and the sound of, “I love you,” echoed in my thoughts - lingering - as I turned and walked to my tent. Yes indeed, tomorrow would be another great day…
The last thing I remember was the zing of the blade as it sped through the air before everything went dark…
I felt the same strong arms of my Captain around me as we sped through silent space, hurtling upwards toward the perpetual light. Suddenly I found myself bowed before my Captain, kneeling before my Lord. With a broad smile He brought me to my feet and wrapped His arms around me, hugging me tightly he spoke, “Well done my good and faithful servant!” He kissed me and placed a new white robe upon me, with a gold crown of life upon my head, quietly whispering my new name into my ear. I could hear the jubilant song of the angels as tears of joy ran down my cheeks. I would never do battle again! I was forever home and He was mine, and I was His… Amen.
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