the irony of forgiveness in humanity -
With everything that everyone has done within their own lives. And each of us whom have hurt others. With each of the times that we have hurt others, or acted completely insane, or out of character, and wished that we could be forgiven and take back what we have done. As we torment and torture ourselves in pain for what we've done.
How is it? That we forget that very thing, when someone hurts us with that same intensity? As we look for eutopia and perfection and hope and faith and trust, and forget the very thing that we ourselves desired and wished, which we will not give another.
I am 40 years old and I have learned to forgive and forget. To realize that hurt which I have suffered and forgive it without condition. Recieving again with open arms and without rememberance of the hurts past. And I wonder now, if I am alone in this world. Because I believe that we all can do this and yet I have not ever seen it done. The most pious, and the most holy of men whom cannot do the very things they preach.
I am no better or worse than any other man, and yet, I have learned this one thing. Forgiveness not because it doesn't hurt. But because just once I wanted to be forgiven freely without condition. The only reason I needed. My faith in God by His forgiveness for me, and this - if it be the only thing I've ever learned - is the best thing that I could hope to learn.
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