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happy new year... - Wednesday, January 04, 2006

well its the new year.... 2006... yup... its true... another number added to the tally...

shrugs... so i'm trying to figure out a few things... i'm pretty ready to just
bail and head out... check out again for a few years, and not get involved in
all the self focused materialism that all the "i'm not materialistic" people are
busy practicing...

ironically, i've a great woman in my life... and the timing sucks. Not cuz its
bad that i have her, or even that its bad that she's in my life...

after all, she's a decent girl. Nice, honest, pretty straight forward.... trustable
and trustworthy...
the fact that she hot is just a bonus...

nope, all that being aside i already know that most guys would kill to have her
and would eat their left arm to be where i am...

its just that, i don't like these feelings. i don't like these things that i'm
supposed to deal with in my own conscience and my own insecurities, which i wouldn't
have to deal with if i continued on my track of "do not get involved in a relationship cuz its just gonna suck the life out of me"

that and the fact that people really have become more pathetic, as they spout how
righteous and good they are.
after all... 100 years ago, no one would've had the ignorrance or rudeness or provincialism to hit on a man's g/f right in front of him, while she's obviously
holding him....

welcome to the new millenium.. I mean really, i kind of expect that behaviour from
a yank, cuz they're after all the lowest common denominator on the globe... but from
a canadian? geez, that means its time to kiss off north america all together...

i mean really... if that is how folks are nowadays? then yeah, go to hell and burn
cuz its what you all deserve; for your lack of respect for anything except your
own agenda's.

i can make a life with this woman. a good one, that works and can work and does work
and will work, cuz we are light together... and easy together... she's a sweetheart
and i deserve her...

of course, she deserves me as well, its been a long time since i've met any woman
that actually deserved to be treated with the respect and fullness that a man can

sure granted, there are a lot of women that think that they deserve it, in the midst
of their "we are woman hear us roar" and the "somebody done me wrong song" and
the rest of the typcial cliche baggage and crap that they feed to justify why
they shouldn't be treated like the self serving narcissistic gold diggers that they
are... (and yes, those of you that are reading this that are like that? keep your
indignation to yourself... go back to your chatrooms and pretend to have lives and
pretend that men are interested in you, as you eat dinner alone, in front of oprah).

cuz frankly scarlet... i don't give a shit... ;) got it? good.

however, the fact of the matter is I've only met 2 women in my life that ever ever
ever deserve to be treated as well as i treated them... and thank God this one is
in person and not some bimbo online that is playing stupid "daddy daddy i need your
attention, so i'm going to cause shit, destroy a few lives, till you go and give
me what i want"

k, so then one woman.. this one... i was punk'd by the last one.

now about money....
sure i have friends... i'm buying.
sure they're all "happy" for me, its my pocket they're reaching for...
so that about sums up money.

man, i think that its too bad that everyone is so incredibly limited, and not deep
enough to see that there are clouds in the sky, birds in the air and such, as they
busy themselves with nothing but "what can i get for me today" and yet... at the
same time... look around and say gee why don't i have someone to love? well duh
morons... duh duh duh... take a look at your morals? they're selfish, and therefore
you don't deserve it and you're not worth it, or the time...

k, she is getting restless and wanting to cuddle.. g'night journal..

ps, those of you that want to comment with your opinions? wipe your ass in someone
else's journal.. and if you're america? fuck off, i don't care what you think cuz
well lets face it, you're thinking is spoon fed to you cuz that makes you easier to
control by a government that can't do anything but look out for its own interests..
and happy new year

Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 10:54 p.m. |


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