sweet smell of living :) -
this is pretty damn cool. Everything is back. Mikey came back from back east, and man its good to see him. Old friends, new friends; dumped the crappy wah friends; no more bars or losers in my life.
lets inventory it shall we?
i have an amazingly honest and upstanding room-mate; the first one I've been able to trust since I've been in vancouver. All the rest came from the cambie, and as i've stated before... everyone that i've ever met there, is a loser. even the one girl i actually dated from that place; however, she isn't really a loser; she just prefers to live that way in her thought life.
anyway, enough about her; that one isn't worth the effort I'm making to be her friend, and ultimately; I already know that she's a taker; she doesn't give of herself... how can she? those walls couldn't be climbed by anyone. personal issues and fear rule her world.
so where was i...
oh yeah... so this last weekend, teresa, melissa, and james came over and we had a bbq. nice time that was :) didn't even know that she was into me, and she's hot, so that was nice to know.
then running into mikey on tuesday, well he has been a starlight in what could've been a hard time getting over something that wasn't good for me anyway.
and of course, next weekend (not this coming one) I'm having another bbq, and it just occured to me today, that dammit; there are going to be a lot of folks there :O
this isn't even the big summer bash, its just a friendly little middle of the afternoon get together, and its already over 30 people. Who'da thunk it :O
then I'm being sent for training, and i get to fly away again :) Tanya and I are talking about the caymans for a week - looking forward to that hardcore :D
jer is coming up and we're gonna do some skiing, and lets not forget that honking good weekend at whistler on the 14th :D skiing, 50 live bands, tons of good food, and of course, there will be tons of kewl people that I'll meet. people that actually have a life; and didn't come from the morose side of woe is me.
i get my new car in a week :D cha man..
i haven't ever worried about what horrible things are happening... how the hell do i have time for that? when there are so many awesome things sitting there around the corner?
i'm liking that i'm popular again. I'm liking my phone going off all the time, and text messages all the time, from everyone, and not cuz they want something, or need to bitch and complain about something, but rather, cuz they want to hang out. do something, and want to right away. and I don't have to listen to wah wah wah or bitch bitch bitch when i get together with them.
My life rocks again :)
folks, I was living on my own and put myself through high school and university all before i was 18. If you could've done that, then you'd know full on why life is easy. cuz it only takes effort and motion, not obsessive rehashing of what you don't have, or what terrible things have happened to you. cuz the fact of the matter is. most everyone has had a hard life. it isn't the life that you have which defines you; its your attitude that defines the life you have.
if you are positive, and living in strength, your life will reflect it and you will gain multitudes of joy and peace and happiness.
if you're a negative person living in fear, then you'll always be alone, not really anyone that anyone else wants to be bothered with, and only used as a masturbation tool for whomever on the weekends.
take an inventory about how many times your phone rings in a week, hell in a day. is it worth you having a phone? or should you just discover a personality that doesn't revolve around critiques and negs about anyone and everyone else?
in my experience, i figure if a person can't listen to negative stuff about themselves, they should probably not open their mouths at all with any negative commentary about anyone else.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 2:54 p.m. |

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