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go - Tuesday, April 18, 2006

its actually a pretty good life.
My schedule is my own. I have friends that have moved out from back home; my other friend just came back here from Germany;

I'm planning a trip to eastern europe and the russian federation; and I'm discovering that this working out, and shorter hair has made me look more normal and its nice :)

i guess I shouldn't be surprised at the attention i recieved last night; although all things being equal my vanity and ego haven't ever been wrapped around my looks. My ego has always been wrapped around my intellect and my heritage; neither of which can actually be touched as they're inherent.

of course, the pragmatic aspects are the realities that I'm not unusual.

Actually, i was working that out with someone the other day.

everyone thinks they're unique. therefore by that they are all the same, and thus, no one is unique.


basic logic dictates.

Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 3:55 p.m. |


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