working it out :\ -
so then, it seems as though the truth is more difficult when i know it before hand.
after all, i knew that there are just certain perfect realities in the universe; and well, as sad as that is, i just have to start listening to God again.
1: I shouldn't have gotten involved with anyone that had anything to do with Kevin, cuz after all, he - although attempting to be decent - is ultimately self serving, and scheming when it comes to any relationship he's involved with - that and the fact that I was outright told last night "well she did date Chao's so what exactly did you expect?" so her hurting me? well it was inevitable.
k, i'm going to explain something that i realize has been taken out of context by so many christian "teachers" ... the verse of "...and it is an adulterous woman that eats and wipes her mouth and says that she has done no evil..."
first of all, an adulterous woman is a spirit; not a woman with fidelity issues. Nor is it distinctive to women as though they're the evil ones, because the adultery to which God is referring isn't infidelity; its a conscious spiritual self serving agenda type of manipulation; and or intended self serving mannerisms.
anyone can be this "adulterous woman" by many different avenues.
anyone that tries to convince someone of doing something, that benefits the advisor, and may or may not benefit the advised; that is an attribute of an "adulterous woman"
we all know people that do that, we may even have done it ourselves;
"you should really make this decision cuz it'll make my life easier" kind of thinking.
now, i can say that SJW has this spirit.
cuz after all, she didn't want to be with me from the onset, and spoke harshly about me, without even knowing anything about me, then shrugged it off as acceptable, because of her own fear issues. That is an attribute.
she then proceeded to be in a relationship with me, telling me all the sugar and spice that she figured I'd want to hear, while telling anyone else that would listen that she was just passing the time, and then attempting to nurture relationships with people from her past, to which she had a desire toward.
you know folks? anyone can tell when something is askew. It is impossible to decieve someone into believing that you would care, when you don't, since the entire universe will be unbalanced with the deception, which will have dramatic affects on the individuals involved.
it is better to hurt someone with honesty then to lead them on with deceit.
these are attributes of the adulterous woman, the spirit of such.
now that the relationship, or rather the illusion of what i thought was a relationship is over; the things that didn't jive all make sense. I know why certain things were the way they were, and what the missing pieces were to the deception of what it was that she pretended to state toward me.
its frightening when people lie to themselves, as a result lying to whomever it is that they're using, and then after discovery, shrugging it off as acceptable behaviour.
folks there are a few realities that supercede anything that anyone wants to believe about the spiritual things in life - metaphysics if you will...
1: no spirit is trapped here, to wander on, because they didn't find peace. That is foolishness for one reason and one reason only. (this rather assumes that a person whom says that they believe in God and actually does so, will realize). Jesus went into perdition (or paradise as it was known prior to Jesus dying for us), dealing with some wealthy man, who was suffering in perdition; while lazarus was at Jesus' side; with the wealthy man saying to Jesus, "Please Lord, send back Lazarus to the earth to warn my brother, so that he may change his ways and not suffer what i'm suffering; as a ghost, or the spirit of Lazarus", to which Jesus replied, "that cannot occur, man have the patriarchs and the prophets, and if they don't choose to believe them, then what apparition would convince them to humble themselves before God? It is given to a man to live once, and then the judgement"
nothing more, nothing less.
2: Angels don't guide us. They're servants of God; angels are here to function on our behalf, however, are not allowed to interact with us; if an angel interacts with us, then we can see them, hear them, and touch them, as another human being is also seen, heard, and touchable.
only satan and his minions present the source of ' mystical mysterious spirit guides'
anyone without this understand, willing to pursue the silliness of spiritual deluded management, is doomed to being 'seared in thier conscience' as God has declared.
and will not see the kingdom of heaven. Ironically, God said, "i desire mercy, not sacrifice" knowing this difference, is the difference, which will bring understanding, because it is by the fear of God that understanding becomes wisdom.
well, I've learned something Lord. These people, whom serve you, calling the universe you, and coming up with rediculious notions and acrynoms for you such as "gus" and so forth, really aren't serving you, and are blind to the reality that satan will bless them to keep them deceived. Then, after its all said and done, they'll not be able to repent and be saved.
"why do you speak to the crowds in parables?" to which Jesus answered, "i speak to them in parables lest they hear and understand, and be saved, he who has an ear, let him hear, he who has eyes, let him see"
its interesting how simple the mysteries actually are, and how decieved the majority are.
Last night, i was told, "well i'm not down with that, cuz its about my power" heh, irony of ironies, that the reasoning of that statement was something misrepresented based upon what i'd said, because God had said so. That we cannot go before Him, and ask for forgiveness, if we haven't first asked for forgiveness from those whom we have offended; as God himself has said, he will not hear us.
so then, those of you wishing to esteem yourselves as powerful, well, that in and of itself is being seared in your conscience.
Lord? I haven't made a concerted effort to do your bidding in the last three years, and yes, I was able to float freely and do the things which are acceptable to the masses; with which I've been a participant.
In it, i was hurt, and left cold, because I never did forsake my first love. Which is you; and so shall my first love always be you. I was never able to sustain the delusions of satan through those whom he has successfully deceive, and by Your will Lord you allowed me to see these things, within those whom I've cared about, knowing that they will not see Your kingdom.
I have been hurt enough, and through my own will, i suffered this hurt, by my own pride.
So i will now continue back to the road of what must occur. Thank you for bringing back the tapes. I will do them again, and i realize that although I wanted to do these with SJW, it wasn't your will that she be freed.
I find it peculiar, that most aren't even aware that You haven't any intention or desire to save the entire human race, and are quite comfortable to allow the majority to perish.
on a side note, am i still hurt? absolutely. Am i still angry? nah, i realize what it was that was happening invisibly to hurt and destroy me, and although it is painful, its not entirely any individual persons fault; as much as their susceptability to the invisible evil that floats around all of us.
of course, i don't have tattoo's, cuz i know that every tattoo comes with a demon. nor do i use and consume various kinds of drugs. it was a good lesson. I should've known better than to get involved with anyone that doesn't have a personal TRUE relationship with God, through Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah).
After all, its God that commanded us to eat meat. Its God that commanded us to be hetrosexual, and yeah sure, anyone can blow that apart and say, 'oh that's just religion, and its not natural to not be attracted to both sexes' ironically, here is the simple answer...
what does the supernatural of God, have to do with the natural of man?
see, no matter how anyone slices it.... 1+1=2
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