:) -
Faust was an excellent opera. Its listed as three acts, however, I think it was originally written as 4 acts, as it functioned that way.. there was a pause between the first and second acts, and then again after the intermission between the last 2 acts...
so i'm pretty sure it was 4 acts, with three intermissions.
however, it was quite a brilliant performance :)
I'm was wondering what language it was going to be in, as the composer/author of the opera was german, yet its first showing was in paris; and apparantly it was mainly performed in french, and yet hasn't ever been translated to german; inspite of the authors origin; yet my mother said as a girl she has seen it in german...
so one never knows... however, it was in french, and there were english sub-titles broadcast on the projection screen above the stage (which i think is tacky, cuz really, at least make an effort to learn the language).
i enjoyed it... i love listening to opera in french and italian.
german as an operetical language is crap; it always sounds like the actors are horking up flehgm.
course, i think dutch sounds like that as well, and its my first language.
i'm having another dinner party tonight, and it ought to be interesting i ran into this young lady who looked as though she should be prancing around in a budweiser t-shirt giggling, and in fact she is a biochemistry major at UBC - so hot and smart....who'd a thunk it... nice nails and her body... deeee ammmmm. :O
so who knows eh?
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