i forgot :| -
so i'm gaining the weight back that i've lost, and now... my clothes aren't fitting. i have to buy all new stuff.
mind you, that's not so bad actually, cuz i like a lot of the styles, and it'll give me all new gear from my trip. and i already know that i clean up pretty nicely.
i can get rid of that suit now as well, as it hasn't been worn since whiner and I split up. its too small anyway now, course it was sized when i didn't look like my normal self.
granted its a nice looking suit, but really, its not the kind of suit i'd buy normally anyway. i like my armani's and versaces, its not off the rack and its not white trash. i don't buy clothes that are white trash, unless they're casual, and then old navy and america, are alright; although I still like my alfred sung. lets face it, alfred sung makes good clothes. =)
it was sort of fun slumming here in vancouver. course, now that things are moving back to the way that they've always been, it just isn't something that's practical anymore.
my g/f is european, and really doesn't have much use for anyone here anymore than i do. they're all low lifes. well mostly, after all most of my pals aren't from here. even the worst parts of the rest of canada, are a step up from the 'class' of this town. and well brits, they're not any use to anyone.
jst egotistical fools living on the glories of the past, while the present shows how debauched they've become. another pointless society that has displayed its limitations by refusing to progress, and living in the land of 'i remember when'
somebody awhile ago asked me, "is that true? do you usually go out with the opposite?" and wellk i thought about it. nope, I don't;however, in my defence, since i've been in vancouver, i have, simply because there isn't anyone here that is similar. blue collar, drug addict under achievers that hang out in bars and sleep with anyone that pays attention to them, isn't who i am. so yup, to that question, posed by you... absolutely. I have since i've been here, been involved with opposites. you being one of them, you wonderful lethargic under acheiver you, wink wink.
cuz now i'm dating my kind. educated; adult, EUROPEAN (and no, being british as in english is not european, at least the irish and the scots have something redeemable about them, but english do not); well travelled, multilingual, WELL DRESSED, and that means good clothing, not suzy cher or any of that poverty crap.
hell even shopping at value village denotes some sort of character taste, over disposable clothing. better someone else's ripped jeans then cheap crap from a store in some mall.
you know? i've been in more malls from october to jan this past then i've been in 41 years. cuz why? there aren't any good clothing in malls. not in my humble opinion, of course, i'm not a lemming that gets a chinese character tatoo and claims 'uniquness' or a celtic band arm tattoo and think i'm 'original'
man, isn't it amazing that those most like everyone else are dully adamant about how they're not? as they dress like everyone, and pierce themselves like everyone else, and get the same tattoo's as everyone else.... heh, morons... so busy being different as they do exactly what everyone else does.
try this... try NOT getting a piercing. or NOT getting a tat. hell no one else is bothering with the uniquness of abstaining... oh and btw.. being bisexual? isn't chique. its loser. it shows that you can't even decide on your sexual orientation, thats how lonely and hard up you are.
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