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"there is only one perfect moment in every moment under heaven for any single occurance or event!"

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things I should've learned before... - Friday, May 05, 2006

i've met a lot of goths lately.

if i knew then what I knew now, i'd have been a lot happier. They're all the same. morbid, whiney, oh woe is me, wah, and pathetic. stoned most of the time; think they're spiritual as they go about being self focused and useless to the world. treat sex the same way they treat drugs. something to do to keep them thinking of what they've screwed up. and they all suck in bed. they just lay there, like dead people. it is amazing to watch people so incredibly detached from their own emotions, and so obsessed with thinking that they've been so hard done by.

grow up. the world isn't here for you; its here. and you have to decide if you are a contributor, or a leech. don't start off being a leech; and think its going to change. it never does. the mindset is already ingrained.

Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 10:52 p.m. |


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