sunny sunny day -
hola :)
so its monday, and i'm having a wonderous day. :) it was a pretty good weekend as well. we set out the lawn chairs in the backyard and setup the dartboard, bbq'd burgers and such and friends wandered in and out all day long :)
ahhh, the life of riley.
its been rather a good day as well at the office. I have a new desk and location and its quieter and more out of the way, which is how i like it. Two new staff members for the design team and a girl friday.
i'm 1500$ closer to the 5 grand i need for my eastern european trip, and i'll be all set for September, when i go. My passport and euro credentials have already been ratified, and I'm off to see the wizard :) the wonderful wizard of oz...
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 4:38 p.m. |

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