so its been a bit .... -
well, i've not written here in awhile, and since I'm watching all these computers install, update, scan, and defrag; i figured i'd take a few minutes out to just do that...
so my roomies and i've been talking about coy dogs... mostly figuring out that women, here in vancouver, if they've been here for any time at all, turn into coydogs...
and that the guys let them do it.
so what is a coydog exactly then?
well first we have to realize that a coydog is distinctly female, for the male it is a dogote.
a coydog is a domesticated female dog, which has bred with a male coyote. a dogote is a domesticated male dog which has bred with a female coyote.
the dogote is tamer and less aggressive, and not difficult, however, the coydog for the most part is distinctly aggressive and sneaky.
a dogote by its nature (most likely since the male dog is the domesticated of the two's breeding), shy, less neurotic, and gentle.
the coydog on the other hand, were quick to anger and bite without provocation, would feel threatened without a current threat, and tended to act quite a bit neurotically and fearful.
now, just as an interesting note, no union between the coyote and a domesticated dog, whether a coydog or a dogote were inbetween. it was only the attributes of that listed above.
now, applying that to women in vancouver....
a coydog wouldn't have any qualms about having you pet them and feed them, and you wouldn't know from one second to the next whether it would lick your hand, or bite you. jst as coydogs aren't considered to be good choices for a pet; neither are any of the women that live in vancouver, good choices for a partner... they will cheat, they will be subersive and they will completely be sneaky and back stabbing.
k, so then someone will say, 'not all women are like that', and i fully agree! However, I'm not talking about all women. i'm talking about the women of vancouver BC.
indeed, some of the most attractive of creatures here, the visuals are as attractive as the souls and hearts are self serving.
you know... i've lived in over 39 different countries, and even lived in 4 of the major cities, as well as dozens of smaller towns and counties here in Canada, and even that, could not prepare me for the attitudes of the women in this city.
its awe inspiring. i can wholly understand why the men here will only sleep with them and avoid a relationship at all costs! for just as the coydog should be avoided at all costs, and are wholly dangerous the older they get; so are the women here bred for selfish manipulations, and grow bitter with age.
so kudo's to all of the folks coming here from overseas! finally there are opportunities for those of us men, who aren't interested in being a meal for a coydog!!
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 6:29 p.m. |

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