runes and other false spirituality -
runes... well in ten words or less.. they're rocks. the druids used em and they're extinct. do you really think that the rocks are smarter after all these hundreds of years?
everyone that was ever truly spiritual, didn't have an air of spirituality about them. they were to cognative to put on that rediculious form of godliness. besides, true spirituality is the fullest realization that man is powerless, and God, through Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) is the only true spirit.
the weaker the mind, the more robust the pursuit of self fullfilling spiritual awakening. God proves science, history and so forth, and science history and so forth prove God.
there aren't any spirits that used to be human. there isn't any "past lives" no one use to be a dog or a prince, or a trucker.... actually, in that gendre, it would be easier to be a bug and hope you don't run into someone you offended in a "previous life" that came back as a windshield.
there is a reason that time is measured before christ and after christo death... God will not be ignored. So those of you that don't realize that Jesus Christ Is God as a man, can't accept the truth of yourselves, and the innateness of all humanity, and all of the truths therein.
and incidently, religion and God aren't related. Never dissmiss the creator of all tiime and space, with the corrupted nature of all men. We aspire. God is. We achieve, God is. this isn't a "trip of growth" cuz God already created perfection. anyone thinking that God is letting them grow, innately by that statement, says that God makes mistakes. Perfect is perfect. Perfect cannot be flawed.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 12:29 a.m. |

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