its great to be me :D -
So then, the big weekend has arrived :D roomy and I have to buzz to costco early tonight and pick up all that meat :O 300$ worth of fresh steaks, lamb, lobster, chicken etc... mikey said he's bringing beef ribs so he's gonna meet us tonight early after work, and Teresa is bringing evenascence.... yes the band evenescence. they were at her club, cuz apparantly they hang out here in van on occasion, and of course i didn't believe her, till i went by last night and lo and behold, she's hotter in life then in video :) so that's pretty cool, we'll have a couple of celebs at our little humble barbque. we'll see if that happens. :)
picked up a new one last night cuz downstairs knob will get all wah wah i can't control you wah you can't use my bbq (like he bought it or something, or even the propane, cuz lets face it, kevin won't buy what he can't steal or scam eh boys?), so that offsets his little temper tantrums. :)
way more people going to be there than i had initially expected though, it was supposed tobe a small humble gathering of only a dozen or so, and its already over 50 + people plus partners and friends.... so woah, i am NOT supplying the liquor, that's for damn sure... byob boys and girls :)
I don't know where everyone is going to sleep though, i'd think that most of em will go home. Sarah can stay of course, and a few others, mikey and dave and .... well we'll see who else.
its amazing, i've known sarah for ages, and it never occured to me that she'd be involved with me, but then i don't know why not. she's bright, intelligent, educated, has a hell of a lot going for her, and I've never heard her ever say a mean thing about anyone... that and she's not afraid of her own shadow.... no tattoo's, doesn't neeed to be a biker, isn't caught up in all the cliche disgrunted youth crap and at least has been around the world. my own kind... :) being hot doesn't hurt either *blush*
its nice being able to say something without the other person immeditately going into insecurity defence mode. man, what a difference it is dating an adult, from an infant... eh?
k, well i've got to get to work now :) caio boys and girls.
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