the party went well :) -
it was supposed to be a casual get together... little did i know that so many folks would turn up :) and it was a good mix. the two things that stick in my mind were these: "you're very hospitable and a great host!" "and you know there wasn't anyone at the party that I didn't get along with!"
resounding good news from all comers :)
i have good taste in friends. its a nice reflection on who i am, so much so, that everyone agrees its a great idea to grow it each month, tons more food ideas as well! apparantly everyone is going to bring a different dish to bbq next month :)
derek is talking greek (he'll make it) and Lisa is going to make pounds of patato salad (it was a great hit), and of course, everyone loved my sate !!
ron even said that his band would play, however, I put him off till the june 1st party, cuz it seemed more practical. after all, this is the first one that the neighbors knew about, and i'm sure they'll be coming to the next one, as they've made an effort to get to know us this weekend :)
everything is going as I had dreamed it would, and I thank God for blessing me on this one :)
and yahoo!! no one brought any hard drugs!!! just beers and pot, and no trouble!! none at all!!
indeed, I've already received tons of phone calls from folks that found out about it and were wounded that they weren't invited... however, heh, they're stoked to be at the next one, so watch out folks!! this may turn into the party of the month every month, if things go well :D
I'm pleased. and it feels good! I was worried about who was and who wasn't my friend, after all the bashing that happened, and no one from the cambie showed up! which made me super pleased. I didn't have one iota of bullshit or drama there :)
I had to sit back and savour it for a couple of days, before I wrote about it, cuz i didn't want to write in on the high of success, and be boastful : ty Pappa!
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