woah nellie :O -
well holy honking who'da thunk it??? :O
I think that there will be a few folks from work coming as well... what the ?????
well whatever, no worries, better a diversity of eclectic pal's then no pals at all eh?
what a mix. : wiccans (and we all know what i think of thier spun little "i have power, I like myself and I am worthy" crap), christians (oughtta make for some entertaining dialogue considering the first batch, hehe, i love entertainment), geeks, cuz i'm a geek, so call it what you will, a few university prof's and so forth... i mean holy crap :O even an alternative band to party with ... no no no, they're not going to play, cuz well we're not set up for them to play anyway, its all about hanging, eating good food, drinking a few brew, and dyalectic conversations....
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