well funny how that goes eh? -
Interesting stuff :) I get rid of all the dross in my life and guess what happens? God returns everyone to my life, whom knows Him. I don't mean flakes that think they know Him with their pseudo spirituality embracing the universe and sexual "liberation" (that always cracks me up, why is it that the sexually liberal always end up w/ std's? thngs that make you go hmmmmm.... heh)
got an email from Corrie and haven't heard from her in three years. Mike is back in town and I haven't seen him in three years.
Steve, and Michael, and Anatoli have contacted me, and I've not heard from any of them in three years.
three is the number of God's witness. God the father, God the son, God the Spirit.
One is the proof of three, which is the proof of One, as we're made in His image (spirit, soul, and flesh [not to be mistaken with body, cuz mind will and emotions are flesh, and neither spiritual or soulical... course, you have to know God to know that.])
for those of you whom are curious. 1: is the number of God 2: is the number of division (or tearing apart) 3: is the number of witness (0r proof) 4: is the number of foundation or stability 5: is the numberr of grace 6: is the number of man 7: is the number of completion 8: is the number of new beginning 9: (i still don't know what 9 is) 10: is the number of mans form of government 11: (don't know this one either) 12: is the number of heavenly government (12 tribes of israel, 12 apostles etc) 13: is the number of satan 14: is the nunmber of Christ (2 x 7 = 14 and 2 defines the division between life and death).
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 3:59 p.m. |

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