things change quick huh? -
Wow. Things are really moving along :) I heard from Tanya today. She'll be off school in a bit, and is thinking of coming to van sooner than later. :) I haven't seen her in ages. It'll be fun. She's one of those yanks, that should've been a canadian, cuz she's not a narrow minded bigotted ignnorant....
rare as that may be...
anyway, having said that, I've also been talking to corrie after not talking to her for almost three years, and of course, mikey is still back. I have to buy a tape recorder to edit those tapes he returned to me, and i know they're a little bit out of date by now, in the sense that I've learned a lot more in the last 3 years.
Of course, all that learning, really, had nothing more to benefit me, except to see the obvious burn and turns that occured with the last few women I've been with...
Its unfortunate for me that I get attracted to the lost sweet ones, that are so wrapped up in their idealistic viewpoint of who and what God is, that I end up losing them, or leaving them, cuz their concept of God is so skewed and incorrect, that it can only lead to a life of blindness.
I think that the only thing about that which bothers me is the fact that sincerely, they're really not bad people, and have had a hard time of it emotionally and in their sense of security and strength, and as a result function from a position of fear, and wantonness... which of course, has nothing to do with God.
after all contentment, in its purest form has nothing to do with 'feelings' or 'self worth' rather its all about God worth and conceptional reality... of course, that in and of itself is confusing i'm sure, if no one has actually had any experience with that region.
too bad religion has trashed so much of the goodness of whom God is...
oh well.
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