an Inconvenient Truth (the movie) -
I found this to be an interesting movie, but not in the sense of global warming as much as prophetic reality. Here's a little link to click through if you're interested in purchasing the dvd, however, if you're like me? you'll go to blockbuster :P and rent it heh However, all things being equal, the one thing in this movie that stood out for me is the amazing reality that we are the architects of our own demise :) I rather find that entertaining, and i have to admit it is exciting watching prophecy come true, inspite of the obvious subtle nature by which it does occur. :) How entertaining that we do and are the very thing we spend our energies to prevent. heh :) Ahh, the wonder of the human race, the pure joy of self inflated ignorrance stated boldly from the mountain tops :)
"and I will not destroy the earth by a flood, but next time by fire" as we go about destroying our atmosphere, to heat up our little blue marble and melt everything around us... how's for that for interesting? The sun, pelting relentless light and heat and warmth towards us, true to its design, which we - through our need to prosper, and gain wealth, have jealously guarded our rights to do so by producing, and consuming to the extreme, thus guaranteeing that those nurturing rays of light and warmth, will never escape, thus destroying, the ice caps we need to maintain our healthy globe. this time by fire... by our own hands... he watched us destroy ourselves, willingly, and knowingly, reaping the consequences of our greed, and our pride. neat huh? there is one other thing that i found interesting from a spiritual perspective. In the movie, they spent a little bit of time on the election and the state of florida's 'miscount' issue, and then immediately went to the hurricanes, and the events which - for lack of a better description - virtually destroyed florida, lousianna, alabama etc... does anyone besides me find that remotely interesting? we will reap what we sow, and in the words of Winston Churchhill (November 12, 1936) "The ero of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences."
i wonder about Al Gore.... about his sensitivity towards prophetic irony... Labels: al gore, global warming, irony, prophecy, reaping what we sow, the end of the world, winston churchhill
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 10:11 p.m. |

irrevocable twist of fate! -
so then! it seems that indeed, this is providence towards what has instantly occured! it is a blessing to have these events. So what events?
well, as I had disconnected my rogers isp account, my yahoo 360 blog (which up to this point has rather been my mainstay) has been "deleted" heh.
of course "deleted" only means (if I assume correctly to the functionality of IT and all of its disjointed facets) that they've associated an account service (they being yahoo) with a service cost, rather than the free account which was used to initialize that very service.
Ahhh, the wonder of administration in contrast to technology, and the proof that the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. That and poor technology administrative symbiosis. However, I'm not at all upset, offended or surprised! After all, i've had to deal with that head shaking, jaw dropping lack of commonsense from the first day that I began in this industry. Of course, i cannot at all state that "oh, its an administrative bobble-head" or that "oh, its a technology bobble-head" but rather a combination and complete unity of both!
After all, neither has any interest in accomodating the other and both act as though they are doing everything within their power to accomodate each other, while both departments quite obviously will perform at the least possible in order to accomplish their task without any desire to perform above and beyond the call of duty!
Ahhh.... modern business in the crux of its innate chaos :)
Well, at least I again, have the opportunity to continue in this blog with its wonder and invisibility to write in whatever manner I choose! Absent of all the complications or niceties which are required when I have a "friends list."
Actually, all things being equal, this is almost a perfect answer to prayer :)
not too bad at all!
so hi again, old standby blog! I am here, I am alive, and I am free from the constraints and idiocy of the provincial drama !
thanks Lord :)Labels: administration, ambiguity, blessings, Blogging, James Mendham, symbiosis, technology
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 8:40 p.m. |

:) -
so then. I've been at my mom's now for two days. She's seems to be better, and in better spirits, and i hope that it is related to my visit here :)
I have to wait a few more weeks before I can carry on to amsterdaam, so hopefully in that time i can convince her to come with... it'll be fun for her, and well, she should do something before she goes home (God, heaven, etc etc).
My dog remembered me right off! Even after all these years!! Can you believe that? She's already over 11 years old and that makes her almost 70 in dog years :) She slept on the floor by my bed the first night, and on my bed with me last night.
I had her all day today, and she was pretty happy and outspoken, like a good dog should. As obedient as always as well. I had her chasing her ball this morning, and you'd swear she was still a pup! Just goes to show if you don't fix an animal and don't feed it all that processed crap that we wouldn't eat ourselves, dogs stay healthier and live longer.
Yeah, that's it man. Forget the masses, use common sense and your head... of course, this does assume some sort of intelligence; which of course I do have :D
I've always wondered about that. I don't sweat things like transfat, cholesterol and fatty acids, and whatever else that everyone else seems to be so paranoid about. yet, every year, I get a physical and have my blood-work done. Cuz well, its good to check right? Yup! every year I'm healthier than most people half my age in spite of the fact that I smoke and party.
Now mind you, i don't eat junk food or fast food, and don't eat cakes and candy, or chips etc. I prefer to cook good ole fashioned meat, veggies and rice. Drinking tons of water, or juices.
Just eat what my body wants.
The one thing that i do know about is proteins. There are different sources of protein, and well, sorry vegans, but really, there are enzymes in meat, both red and white meat that one cannot extract from protein supplements and/or replacements, i know this cuz my body ALSO craves nuts and tofu and so on. Different types of protein, therefore different sources and aspects of physiology affected.
however, whatever, i dated a vegetarian, and she was pretty healthy, albeit more tired than she should've been, which i know wouldn't have occurred if she had at least included fish in her diet. I can at least understand the sociological reasons for not eating red/white meat, after all, hell what they do to those animals is basically poison them to 'gain more value from each production unit' (they're not considered animals you see, they're profit units - welcome to the corporate raiders).
I've actually gravitated more toward fish and gamey meats, deer, moose, etc, rather than beef and pork and chicken. At least I know they're eating what God put there for them to eat! Not bovine growth hormones to overswell bellies, or udders, etc.
oh well. it is virtually impossible to teach the naive about the truth of things, then it is about convincing them to have a cause. After all, the ineffectual always need a cause. It makes them feel as though they're doing "something about it" even though it isn't having any affect on how we as a species put acquisitions over morality.
Now, don't get me wrong, I realize that most of us are moral to a degree. After all, there was this guy, that loved his family, adored his children, went to church on Sunday's and even participated in community volunteer functions. Still getting up every day, to go to work and watch the poor under fed folks walk into the showers, have the doors closed on them, before he pulled the lever to the gas chambers. it wasn't his fault his country was at war! He was just trying to provide for his family.
Man, if anyone actually gets that sarcasm, it'll slay me!
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 9:07 p.m. |

6 more days -
so my flight leaves in 6 more days.
I'm now a sub-contractor for the same company; doing projects that aren't bound or limited to legacy builds. My methods are too far ahead...
not that this matters of course, as I can program in many languages, and I speak many as well, so travel isn't an issue for me.
And of course, I'm male. And whether anyone here in north america has a clue, its still a man's world. Only in north america and britain can women just be so bold as to be allowed to act out on their emotions, abandoning logic and mental capacities. Over acting on drama and gossip and lack of accountability.
It'll be nice to deal with women again, as I leave the city of coy dogs.
...So home for a few weeks, maybe a month and then returning overseas; holland, france, switzerland...
I've mixed feelings about it. I thought I'd met someone I could've brought with me, someone who was interested in the better way to live, the level of society which isn't convoluted with the need to prove anything, and just realize that they are...
so be it. She isn't and doubtfully ever will be strong enough. She will remain trapped in the mediocrity of commonality. Wallowing in insecurity and simple mindedness. The same as the rest.
It just shows that i'm actually a poor judge of character, seeing what i'd like to see and not seeing what is actually there in front of me.
Ironic really. I've been back here now for 8 years, and there isn't anyone that is able to live the better life. Just watch it on TV, or read about it wishing it, yet never being good enough to realize it. I wonder how it would've been for me if I was born common? Would I aspire to what they aspire? Would I think I'd have to prove it? Or be something? Or need validation?
What is a blessing is a backhanded curse. I was born to priviledge, and station. Never having to be anything except what I wanted, without anything or anyone able to stand in my way. By birth, by right. I was a fool to think that i'd meet anyone on this continent that could at all perceive that kind of existence; looking for peace, and to be loved and to love themselves, without just knowing these things innately.
Never lingering on the doubts and fears of what doesn't actually exist. the simple do what the simple have always done for the ages. Strive for freedom instead of just knowing it. Fight for rights, which aren't rights at all, but limitations and rules for everyone that they can't be as good as, or as blessed as. Hating the very attributes of society and history which allow them to even have those freedoms. Denying the truth about themselves. the simple. remaining simple.
There are so many that want me to keep in touch with them and yet, i don't see a reason why... after all, I'll have to do things that they will never understand, and they'll boldly have attitudes and commentaries and editorials about how they wouldn't and no one would ever tell them this or that, as they fear their bosses, and fear losing their jobs. Fear tomorrow and the thoughts of others. As they live in fear and doubt and insecurity. As they spend each day striving and attempting to change what they don't like now, thinking that they can escape themselves. Mindless to the fact that what they're running from is in them, and they're stuck with it every moment of every day of their lives.
to be the mass oblivion which has encapsulated this planet.
It hasn't ever been the masses that have made a difference. Its the few that can control and convince those masses which made the difference. History has proven it. Empires were built on it. Nations exist because of it. Its only the few whom lead. The rest of the masses just follow and bicker and complain, needing to be controlled, and needing to be told what to do.
Inspite of their hatred of it.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 12:03 a.m. |

Ironic :) -
So I get to go home...
mom is going home.
I leave the people here, to be with her, because I need to be with her, to retain my family, remind them of our right, our priviledge, and our history...
everything is on schedule.
I knew before that I would be the one to retain us...
and I'm free as I should be at the time when I should be :)
for her sake, and my sake,a and His sake, by His promise to me...
a long time ago, I said, let it be that when she was to go, that she wouldn't have to run, and that I would be the one to be pleased in her returrn back home.
so it has come to pass, so it shall be :)
by grace!!!
God is who He is, because he is infallible :)
in Jesus Christ name, by His power through the Spirit of God.
pappa, I'm in blind land now, so you have to be my eyes, because I have none...
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 12:49 a.m. |
