fed up -
I will not listen to this crap anymore.
now, I pray it three times a day, and I will swing the sword, and they will see their lives become cesspools, and their dreams become nightmares; by the words of their own mouths and the contents of their own hearts.
they will reap what they sow in their ignorrance of God and those who serve Him.
I am a child of God and moreso, I am a warrior. I have always been, and have left a barren land in my wake of those that attempted to destroy me, and hurt me.
entire churches no longer exist. entire corporations cease to exist. People have cancer, and have lost all that they loved, by the contents of their own hearts.
If this is what I have to do again, then so be it. I will do so and you will all suffer exactly what you are.
For a thousand stripes on the back of a fool has no value. So be the fools that you are.
There are many now that can be as Elijah is, and I am one of those.
God is my Lord through Jesus Christ the advocate of my soul.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 11:18 a.m. |
