the irony of forgiveness in humanity -
With everything that everyone has done within their own lives. And each of us whom have hurt others. With each of the times that we have hurt others, or acted completely insane, or out of character, and wished that we could be forgiven and take back what we have done. As we torment and torture ourselves in pain for what we've done.
How is it? That we forget that very thing, when someone hurts us with that same intensity? As we look for eutopia and perfection and hope and faith and trust, and forget the very thing that we ourselves desired and wished, which we will not give another.
I am 40 years old and I have learned to forgive and forget. To realize that hurt which I have suffered and forgive it without condition. Recieving again with open arms and without rememberance of the hurts past. And I wonder now, if I am alone in this world. Because I believe that we all can do this and yet I have not ever seen it done. The most pious, and the most holy of men whom cannot do the very things they preach.
I am no better or worse than any other man, and yet, I have learned this one thing. Forgiveness not because it doesn't hurt. But because just once I wanted to be forgiven freely without condition. The only reason I needed. My faith in God by His forgiveness for me, and this - if it be the only thing I've ever learned - is the best thing that I could hope to learn.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 6:58 p.m. |

my daily prayer -
Be gracious to me Lord by your mercy, and by your many mercies, please blot out all of my transgressions. Wash me completely from all of my iniquities, and cleans me of all of my sins. I know Lord that all of my sins are countinually against me, and against you only have I sinned. Please purify me with hyssop so I will be clean, and wash me so that i will be more whiter than snow.
Please create within me a clean heart, and renew within me a steadfast spirit. Please don't cast me from your presence, or take your holy spirit from me, but restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.
Please help me to increase and abound in love towards one another and towards all even as you also do towards you.
Please let it be known today that you are the living God and that I am your servant and that by your words I have done all things. So father I ask you to execute the written judgements upon all the unclean spirits that walk according to this world that might be in me, on me, around me or through me. Because I know that the sword of the spirit of the word of God is alive and energetic, sharper than every double mouthed sword, dividing between the bone and the marrow and is able to see through all the thoughts and intentions of my heart.
In Jesus name and authority, i do put off all the following unclean spirits which maybe in or may affect my life:
In Jesus name i do put off and renounce the unclean spirits of adultery, anger, bitterness, blasphemy, bondage, covetousness, cursing, deaf and dumb spirits, deceptions, divisions, envy, evil speaking, evil suspicions, familiar spirits, fear, fightings, filthiness, foolish speaking, greed, guile, hatred, hautiness, heaviness, heresy's, hypocrisies, idolatries, jealousies, jokings, lust, lying, malice, meddling, the old man, masturbation, oppression, perverseness, proud thoughts, pornography, rebellion, rivalries, shameful words out of my mouth, slumber, sexual immoralities, tumulteous spirits, uncleanness, unforgiveness, whoredoms, wraths, vanities and all the other dominion of spirits along with them as well.
In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ may the Lord rebuke you satan. Be silent and come out of here, because you are an offence to me. You do not think of the things of my God - instead the things of men, and it has been written that I will only worship my Lord God through my Lord Jesus Christ by the power and the grace granted me by the Holy Spirit.
May my Lord God cast you into the burning lake with fire and brimstone upon you on the day of judgement. May God bind you hand foot and face with firey chains and unbreakable bonds and cast you into the pit of tartarus so that you shall not rise again.
I say now in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, that I will only recieve that which is from my Lord God by the power of the Spirit of God and that I will only recieve such things through my Lord.
So i put on the mantles so that i'll only keep my eyes upon you Lord. I pray that everyone around me will feel you and that it will prepare their hearts to recieve you. So i do put on and i do seal on the mantles in Jesus name.
I also put on the helmet of salvation, and the breastplate of righteousness. Faith, love, hope, peace and joy. I put on the ability to forgive others and the ability to forgive myself. I do put on and stand firm having my loins gird about me with the garmets of truth, so that the revelation of my Lord Jesus Christ will be brought to me through His hope peace and joy in believing, having me feet shod with the preperation of the gospel of peace.
I know Lord that in Jesus name you have given me the authority to tread on snakes and scorpions and all the powers of the enemy and if I eat or drink anything deadly that in no way shall I be hurt.
I also pick up the shield of faith, so that i will be able to quench the fiery darts of the enemy. Because I know that the weapons of our warefare are not flesh, but they are powerful to you in order to demolish and annhilate all the powers of the enemy, and every imagination which lifts itself up to against the knowledge of God. I ask you Lord to help me bring every one of my thougths into the obedience of my Lord Jesus Christ.
So I do pick up the sword of the spirit which is the word of God through all prayers and petitions, praying at everytime in the spirit, and watching to this same thing with all perserverence and petitions concerning the entire body of Christ.
I pray that everyone around me will see you and that it will prepare their hearts to recieve you. So i do put on and I do seal on the full armour of God, please fan the flames of my hands and bless me and or grant me with a double portion of your holy spirit upon me.
Please bring me all diligence, to fill out my faith, and that faith with virtue, and that virtue with knowledge, and that knowledge toward self control and that self control toward patience, patience toward brotherly love and that brotherly love towards love.
Please confirm me, establish me, perfect me and strengthen me and bless me with your eternal comfort, so that I will come into the full knowledge of the entire Godhead.
Please watch over my eyes, my ears, my mouth and my feet so that I will be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath and that I will avoid every form of evil and not take part in any unfruitful works of darkness.
I now yield my soul, my spirit and my flesh into your hands Lord God. Please bless me and increase my territory, keep your hands upon me so that I do not sin against you or against others, or against myself.
All this i pray in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. amen.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 11:40 a.m. |
