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"there is only one perfect moment in every moment under heaven for any single occurance or event!"

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within - without (edit 1:45 am) - Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Reminiscence I - this moment to thus past,
for the bliss I find upon each cast,

toward discovery with love for self perceived,
each moments gleaming - truest weakness weaved...

for now upon this straightest path of mine,
without the finite knowing each past sign.

-- its glorious this road of life,
to navigate tween fire and strife,

without the answers truly bourne,
each with the joy and thus forlorn,

for grateful true must i esteem,
toward the greatest purest gleam.

is that you never fault to mine,
discoveries -- innate -- sublime.

you are my Lord and God devout,
the purest love; within - without.


Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 1:47 a.m. | |

within - without -

Reminiscence I - from this moment to thus past,
upon the education I find, upon each cast,

toward discovery of love and self perceive,
within a moments truest weakness weaves...

for now upon this truest path of mine,
without the finite knowing each past sign.

-- its glorious this road of life,
to navigate tween fire and strife,

without the answers truly bourne,
each with the joy and thus forlorn,

for grateful true must i esteem,
toward the greatest purest gleam.

is that you never fault to mine,
the discoveries innate sublime.

you are my lord and god devout,
the purest love; within - without.


Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 1:36 a.m. | |