word of the day :) -
sometimes starbucks has value...
Main Entry: an·te·di·lu·vi·an Pronunciation: "an-ti-d&-'lü-vE-&n, -(")dI - Function: adjective - Etymology: ante- + Latin diluvium flood -- more at DELUGE
- of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible
- made, evolved, or developed a long time ago
ie: - antediluvian noun
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 7:15 p.m. |

kewl:) -
intellesting eh? I was thinking about whom i know and what i'm doing, and the different girls/guys I've known in my past; as well as my present.
it occurred to me that since being in Vancouver, I've more or less been acquainted with those lesser then those whom I've known previously. I guess it didn't occur to me prior, that this town is basically blue collar, and rather redneck. That Vancouver isn't as sophisticated as most here would attempt to present.
Ironically; here in Vancouver, I tend to do better with those whom are here for schooling from other countries (since of course, it isn't those impoverished whom arrive, but the affluent) all of whom have had a more robust experiential perception of the world as it truly is, rather than presumptions beer drinking rhetorical babbling.
Mind you, here where I'm working at the moment is a much more accurate reflection of the types of folks with whom I prefer to be associated, as opposed to those with whom I've been associated within the last few years.
Dating also; the reflection of whom and what and where is much more reflective of within those around me currently, then those around me even as short a time as perhaps one month ago.
After all, its wonderful being able to discuss such commonalities as global economics, or simplicities as opera, and ballet rather than tattoos and Harley Davidson; which in all truth isn't all that entertaining.
Why anyone would aspire to wallow within the swells of society which loudly proclaims and extols their own ignorance, while simultaneously berating the very levels of culture, which they've spent the better part of their lives attempting to achieve, and/or still are aspiring toward.
I have to say that I've been blessed. After all.. How else would I even be aware of these dynamics without having at least experienced both?
It was easier for me to interact with the barflies and provincial in the last three years, and then return to my own station; then it would ever be for those whom I've been acquainted to ever attempt to fake - let alone assimilate within the parities of to a station above and beyond them.
As pompous and as arrogant as this may seem. The irony is that while they critique and insult, they secretly desire to be; the very thing to which I've been born.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 2:32 p.m. |
