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"there is only one perfect moment in every moment under heaven for any single occurance or event!"

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Saturday, July 09, 2005

friends can be assholes sometimes
its true...

k picture this if you will...
boy, has g/f. is going out w/ ex g/f
wants g/f to be there (first of all, this is fucked to begin with)

asks me to meet him there with her.
i'm "um, no... that is wierd"

other friend calls
gonna be there, now i have a reason to go.
so i'm sure, but you be there, or i'll be pissed off, cuz
i'm not babysitting your g/f or your issue.
no problem.

he shows.
he bails
he leaves me w/ her and leaves w/ ex g/f
my other bud shows up
she vanishes
i'm theoretically off the hook
but nope
she shows up again

and i bailed on her (bs of course, but whatever)

k, so that is the readers toilet version digest of it.
there's more, but its just too colorful for this blog.
including, showering at my buds place, grabbing our clothes
to wear out, bitching and showing signs of headache before
the night starts; and the pinnacle... homeless and broke;
(supposedly staying at alleged b/f's place - doubtful, he called me
after i ditched all of em, so i dunno, and i don't care - yes i reamed
his little white ass).

you do the math....

k... that is my night. but i'm here now... at peace.
alone with only those around me that i actually care about,
and peace... lots and lots of peace...
*breathe of relief and peace... exhales - hits save*

Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 1:07 a.m. | |