an Inconvenient Truth (the movie) -
I found this to be an interesting movie, but not in the sense of global warming as much as prophetic reality. Here's a little link to click through if you're interested in purchasing the dvd, however, if you're like me? you'll go to blockbuster :P and rent it heh However, all things being equal, the one thing in this movie that stood out for me is the amazing reality that we are the architects of our own demise :) I rather find that entertaining, and i have to admit it is exciting watching prophecy come true, inspite of the obvious subtle nature by which it does occur. :) How entertaining that we do and are the very thing we spend our energies to prevent. heh :) Ahh, the wonder of the human race, the pure joy of self inflated ignorrance stated boldly from the mountain tops :)
"and I will not destroy the earth by a flood, but next time by fire" as we go about destroying our atmosphere, to heat up our little blue marble and melt everything around us... how's for that for interesting? The sun, pelting relentless light and heat and warmth towards us, true to its design, which we - through our need to prosper, and gain wealth, have jealously guarded our rights to do so by producing, and consuming to the extreme, thus guaranteeing that those nurturing rays of light and warmth, will never escape, thus destroying, the ice caps we need to maintain our healthy globe. this time by fire... by our own hands... he watched us destroy ourselves, willingly, and knowingly, reaping the consequences of our greed, and our pride. neat huh? there is one other thing that i found interesting from a spiritual perspective. In the movie, they spent a little bit of time on the election and the state of florida's 'miscount' issue, and then immediately went to the hurricanes, and the events which - for lack of a better description - virtually destroyed florida, lousianna, alabama etc... does anyone besides me find that remotely interesting? we will reap what we sow, and in the words of Winston Churchhill (November 12, 1936) "The ero of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences."
i wonder about Al Gore.... about his sensitivity towards prophetic irony... Labels: al gore, global warming, irony, prophecy, reaping what we sow, the end of the world, winston churchhill
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 10:11 p.m. |
