have you ever wondered...? -
when people write in thier online journals and try to present something that is sublime, while they're struggling internally?
when they attempt to represent a peace which they do not have?
when they claim a relationship with a higher power, and their writing proves that there is none?
when they claim power, and their actions show weakness and fear?
these and a million other things cross my mind, although indeed I'm aware of the answers...
after all, only those whom are saved (which isn't even 1% folks... sorry) can completely express their pain without interest to opinion or judgement, after all... those of us that are saved, can't be judged. Judgement has already been written, and besides, so what if what we're doing is contrary to God's word or nature, cuz then its not judgement anyway, its conviction and joy to the discovery of flaw.
I'd rather have a flaw pointed out by God, by action, or inaction and take joy in the knowledge that He loves me enough to show me, in order for me to take stock and be accountable to Him - forever correcting the inevitable changes which must occur toward my perfection from this imperfect state; then be wary of what another human could possibly say to me, while they're in the midst of their denial.
well whatever. that page is turned. It was red flags all the way through, and I should've just walked on without getting involved with it. So all things being equal, we both did each other. I wanted to feel loved, and she couldn't love. She wanted to pass the time, and she's done her thing, and moved along.
so really, its all a good thing isn't it?
well pappa, i think that this is better now that its over. Mind you, satan keeps putting the same kinds of women and girls in my path... why is that? is he so certain that i'm just going to up and not serve You? After all, how relevant is it to me if she (whomever she may be) is attractive, or bright, or charming or any of that? If she believes in things which I know to be false, claiming them as You, then she is deceived.
If she perpetuates the attributes of humanity towards perceiving a closer understanding with you, isn't she of the masses?
wide is the path to destruction and many be that find it. Narrow is the gate to righteousness and few be there that find it!
for the seeds landed on the dry ground, and the shallow soil, and the path, with only one seed landing on the furtile ground. the seed that lands on the dry ground is burned up by the sun and taken by the birds of the air. the seed on the shallow soil springs up quickly and because it has no root the sun in the sky scorches the life from it. and the seed that lands in the good soil, grows fully and strongly; with deep roots and strong bloom.
of course as well, the seed that lands in the good soil, a sower came and sowed weeds among the good seeds, in order to choke and kill the life and steal the sustainance from it....
there are many many mysteries, without difficult understanding, for after all, so is the nature of life here. These are the methods by which we wage the war for our souls.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 5:49 p.m. |

just cuz :) -
John 1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
In the Greek, the word used for comprehend can also be translated overpower. So, we could read this last sentence this way. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overpower it.
Here we are told that in the beginning Jesus was with God. At the time of creation He was there. Everything that was made was made through Him and then to make the point as clear as possible, the Word tells us that nothing was created without it being created by Jesus.
Then in the fullness of time, Jesus came to earth and conquered the darkness that had overtaken it. The Bible says that the Light, Jesus, came to earth and the darkness in the earth, Satan, did not overpower Him. Jesus became the victor. Jesus became our champion.
Jesus defeated the prince of darkness and took back the authority that Adam had surrendered through his disobedience to God. Jesus then made a public display of the demonic powers. Colossians 2:15 says, “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” Satan and his demonic hosts were not only defeated, but they were humiliated publicly. Satan is the most prideful being in existence. He has done and is doing all he can to cover his tracks. Jesus said in John 8:44 that Satan is a liar. And like most liars, when he gets caught doing something wrong, he blames someone else. Guilt and condemnation are tools of the devil. He reminds me of a criminal who tries to get as many others implicated in the crime as possible.
Now, here’s the point. When Jesus came to earth as a man, He was executed and buried. Although He was buried and in the grave, He overcame death and came back to life on the third day. By doing this, he defeated Satan and made a way of escape for you and for me. All we have to do is accept Him as our Lord and Savior.
Satan on the other hand will do everything within his power to blind the eyes of the lost so they will not accept Jesus.
But for the Christian Satan has a special plan. He knows that one Spirit filled Christian, hearing and doing the Word, can deal a severe blow to his kingdom. He knows he only has one hope and that is to confuse and distract Christians. When we become distracted from the Word, then our faith is in peril. God loves faith, but Satan hates it and he will try to destroy it anyway he can.
Now, here’s the good news. We do not have to listen to the lies and deception of Satan. Jesus defeated him. Romans 8:37 says that as Christians we are “more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”
So when Satan attacks you with guilt and condemnation, just remember that he is a liar and he is defeated. Jesus conquered him and we who are in Christ are more than conquerors!
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 4:06 p.m. |

have you ever wondered? -
has anyone besides me ever wondered how anyone can say "its you and so and so that are my evil and what hurts me" and claim the innocence of zero contribution?
God has said, "it is evil that eats and wipes its mouth and says I have done no evil" and it is a fool that blames everyone else for its suffering, and claims no accountability.
Lord? I have often wondered why you allow people to be deluded? You are not a God that says run away, yet those who run away say you said to do it? you are not a God that says, be in fear and anxiety! yet those who live in it, claim you say it? you are not a God that says, Love is only according to what you can handle, cuz that is what i gave you! cuz I've watched you allow people to suffer in order for them to even perceive love.
well, I guess you're right, that in these days people will seek signs and wonders, and cling to the deception of self consternations; expecting you to be what they desire; clueless that the god of this world, the enemy of you, can and does bless.
You Lord have destroyed entire nations, destroyed the planet once, declared us all evil and not worthy of you, and yet, still decided to be a man, become a human and be born as one, and suffer as one, mocked, and chocked and finally killed by us, just to save us, and yet, still most will not accept you...
interesting isn't it? that what you said would occur has occured. you said, that we are given to live once, and once only and then eternity (whether we live or die eternily is up to our free will), yet many claim past lives, and spirit guides, when you say that is all a lie and trick.
you never gave us a spirit of fear, and yet so many claim that they listen to you and live in fear?
fear is what it does. It is fight, flight or paralysis. ironic to watch those attributes acted out in those that claim they have no fear.
she ran from downtown. that is fear. she has hidden away. that is fear.
none of those attributes are a reflection of you. yet, she claims you are the one guiding her. she hasn't any idea of what your words are, and yet she claims that you are guiding her?
Lord, you said that your sheep hear your voice, and will all act in unison; and so many of the folks that claim you, don't know you as they wrestle in contention with each other, trying to walk to the beat of their own drum...
and the beauty of it for me is this pappa... no one can say that they serve you and at the same time, claim that " I did this, and I did that, and all the evil is you and you and you" because those are distinctly opposite of every example, historical proof, and referenced witness of all that you have ever done or represented in the history of the human race.
interesting isn't it?
well its all good. you said most would not see you and most wouldn't understand, clinging to their own wisdom, and falling into the abyss.
c'est la vie. again, you've delivered me from the snare of the fowlers hand, and the evil of the deceiver; and still it saddens me to watch the deciever control the weak minded and the weak willed by misguided concepts; as he laughs at them.
you said to eat meat. you commanded it, and you also said that if we didn't we'd be more susceptible to the enemy. Its interesting to watch how accurate every word that you have ever stated is truth.
There isn't anything that you have ever told me that hasn't fully come to pass and hasn't been proven verbatim.
so you're right. Let the dead, bury the dead.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 10:26 a.m. |
