altruistic epiphany -
Upon the wondrous ambition of life; Comes the inevitable realization of mortality;
which - in and of itself - makes a mockery of perpetual existence.
irony of ironies; the beauty of current time and space...
I have learned great things in this last few weeks...
love, guilty, self perception... intriguing as all of this has been.
the gift of perfection, is a gift best not overlooked...
for each of us, is deceived by it when it occurs, and all of us let pride derail those very dreams...
for now, at my age, I see that gift; through freedom for my heart; and yet, a test to exemplification...
for the wonder of purity is only defined by one's ability to see, and feel - knowing that distinction.
I have been gifted by perfection - not as an attribute; rather as purity toward the gift awarded me.
For the learning, I discover through my associations.
and now... this now, the this that it is... personfies the reality of the day.... through its simple purity.
the irony for me is this... what do I do with this gift. is it the grace awarded me for my discovery? or... is it to give what has been given, to me towards each perfect reality?
each must be considered, for the sake of the truth of our innateness...
for every person - must - beyond doubt or perceived experiential realize truism...
that man is here to learn; that this is a gift from whatever each needs to believe; towards the betterment of all; for each of us; through the basis of existence; must cognitively realize that what we are, is the sum of what we hold... and... what we choose to return and return to the universe... ... ...
which gave it to us to learn....
for life is a gift, toward discovery; and bondage is a limit to awareness...
so each chain, which we choose to hold, is the essence of what it is that we are willing to learn.
discover this....
that each pain endured, is a lesson - not lesions - toward our altruistic state of why.
nuff said ;)
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 8:01 p.m. |
