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"there is only one perfect moment in every moment under heaven for any single occurance or event!"

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what kind of kiss am i? - Saturday, May 07, 2005

lip kiss
kiss on the lips - you're sweet and simple but
quite daring. you move for the kill confidently
knowing the other person wants the same thing.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 9:40 a.m. | |

grrrrrrrrrr, that eats my shorts -


after configuring two full blogs and a placeholder blog, i find out... that there is an image placement issue w/ the main blog in firefox :

the upside is, that i can fix it cuz its on my server by either testing the browser, or modifying the css... the down-side is, its 1:11am on saturday morning, and i bloody well don't feel like it....

after all, i just created a poetry blog for all the poetry I've written, and i still have to transfer oodles of poetry from my old blog before that blog goes the way of the dodo....

and I've modified the proper stuff for the main blog and that is about enough of that for tonight.

I hope you enjoy the placement of these...

there is still one more blog to be built... and that is the story blog, where I'll be adding all my short stories...

and of course, there is the integration of blogger into my cms/crm products, and then the api integrations and image management pieces that have to be created, and of course, if the blog has an api, then the website itself has to have an api, so that clients can manage and build their sites locally, and the hell of programming and its perpetual motion never ceases, because then after all then i'm going to have to create another blog to track all the stuff which i just finished talking about leading me to the end as I truly consider that it is now time for this little man to go to bed


see that's the thing with coding... once you get started? it never ends... :'(

Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 1:08 a.m. | |