so what is that all about? -
hello hello there james my journal counterpart :)
K. So that was good to get out of the way. prayer is such an easy thing to do. You know pappa? i've always wondered why people put on this false spirituality in order to make themselves seem more intune, and pious.
You've never been like that, and well, most of whom have served you, have been major pains in the establishments hiney's. Going all the way back to the first written patriarchs and prophets. All of em just rattled everyone's cages and were totally hated, hunted and in some cases murdered for doing the one thing that everyone says they want. Telling the truth.
I've always found it entirely amusing that what people say they want and what people can actually stomach have very little to do with each other.
" I want an honest loving caring person" yeah uh huh, sure you do. An honest person will tell you that they think you look fat in that dress; if they think that you look fat in that dress. It doesn't mean that you're fat in that dress; it just means that is what they think. At the same token, most would rather that they said, oh no honey you look stunning; so that if they themselves think that they look fat in that dress; they can be assured that it's all in their minds, and avoid it for another day.
If you ask me? I'll tell you what i think. Cuz that is what honesty is. And love? sometimes love is saying something to banally and gutterly honest that the feelings get hurt; however, loving in return is the knowledge that the person asked didn't tell you to hurt you and loved you enough to be honest, and loved you enough to be forthright.
of course; we are a society which lives and dwells in the land of denial; refusing to accept our own faults as we measure the exteriors of others around us - and still simultaneously; claim to not be shallow.
If you have ever made a commentary about what someone is wearing. you're shallow. If you've ever made a commentary about someone and didn't know them at all, you're shallow. if you participate in general jesting about another person, either in their absence, or with other folks for the sake of comedy, then you're shallow.
and the irony of it is this.... we've ALL done it. every one of us. no exceptions.
We've all lied. We've all been dishonest. We've all made comments about folks without their presence.
Those are the general truths of men, woman and the facets of all humanity throughout the ages and all will continue to do it again; after we've passed on.
I've hurt more of the folks that I care about because they asked a question and i gave them an answer. And all of them have been forewarned by me that if you really don't want the answer, don't ask the question.
Sure, I can go through the "are you sure you want me to answer that, or do you already know the answer, cuz its what you're thinking about yourself as well?" every single time; but you know what? by the 30th to 50th time, it becomes mundane.
if you can't figure out from the first time, after the warning of my honesty that I will tell you the truth at the cost of possibly losing you; and again, if you can't tell that I'm telling you that particular truth because i DO care about you; then perhaps you should keep living in that little land of "i like myself and i'm special" and maybe visit a few AA and meetings...
God isn't about "love love love" he IS love. there is a difference; and if you look at God's love, he hasn't any compulsion whatsoever in telling anyone, yo look you said this, and did this, and then you thought this, and did and said that; and who exactly do you think you're fooling besides yourself?
Irony of ironies :)
whatever, its all good times. Every teenage girl wants to be invisible and loved and wanted by every guy; and feel pretty. every teenage boy wants that girl on the tv set.
everyone wants to think that they're unique and different as they carry on being exactly the same as those in their friendship base; whom are all running around being unique and doing the same things.
Man as a species we really do delude ourselves don't we? We claim oh no, not me, I'm different; clueless to the fact that yup; no one else has ever said that have they? nope nope, not ever in the history of the planet has anyone ever said "oh i'm different" and my favourite, "God i can't believe they did that, i would never do that" as they do it at that particular moment.
Gossip is what gossip does. Talking about people behind their backs is something that will come back to bite you in the butt, and for one reason only. You did it.
anyway, that chapter of my life is gone. I don't have to deal with that whole genre of hypocrisy any longer.
So then... I wonder if I'll ever see natasha and olga again? They were fun; russian women are pretty outspoken, and classy. I get a kick out of russian pride and what could be considered arrogance; except that I don't view it as arrogant. Lets face it folks. Europe has been around a lot longer. And all that has happened in europe with the learned capabilities of survival and past historical oppressions and attempts... well, they've earned their pride.
north america hasn't even been around for 500 years, and most historical contributors to society that have all passed by, don't even few 500 years as a drop in the bucket.
babylon; persia, israel, egypt, africa etc etc etc etc
we're the new kids on the block. or rather you're the new kids on the block, cuz i'm not from here, and i'm not north american.
my history and my family can be traced back 5000 years on three different continents and none of that tracing has anything to do with the common man.
so, anyone that is an american and thinks that its all that, should realize that inbreeding was invented by the royals, and that they don't have the corner capital on that requirement for american citizenship.
k, my humour is off colour, and dry. its all good; i get it.
so my next trip will be to the russian federation via amsterdam, cuz well, one should always go home again ;)
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 9:42 a.m. |

so then. :| -
ok satan you're starting to get on my nerves. you don't get to infect my dreams with the events of those in my past, whether recent or just acquainted. you don't have that kind of power over me. you don't get to inflict me with recent pains from your children whom you put in my life to take me from the truth of the power of who and what i am created to be.
so this stops now!
in the name and authority of my Lord Yeshua Messiah my the Lord God rebuke you! in the name of my Lord Yeshua Messiah I fully renounce soulties with SJW, her father, her mother and all the unclean spirits that walk according to this world that were in, on, around and through that situation. I refuse to recieve any hexes, vexes, curses spells and/or incantations that are in that union and sever all unclean spirits within my life which was intended to keep me trapped and in bondage.
In the name and auth0rity of my Lord Yeshua Messiah, Lord God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords I declare that I am a child of God, saved by the blood of God who became a man, walked among us; died as an innocent for us, rose from the dead; and returned to His rightful place as God, at the right hand of the Father, whom is also God. By the Spirit of God, all three as one, proven, and undefeated in heaven and on earth. Because, as I am a child of God, in Jesus Christ name, may fire come down from the heavenlies and consume the heads of the evil and unclean which surround me!
In the name and authority of Yeshua Messiah; I ask you Lord God to execute the written judgements upon all the unclean spirits that walk according to this world, that are in, on, around and through that situation, and that you give back to them double unto them double according to their works. Let the works of their own mind will and emotions be heaped upon their heads; 7 times 7 according to their works. Convict them to a deep deep salvation, unto repentence, so that they may humble themselves before you Lord God and seek repentence, change their ways and be saved; according to your promise.
I put on the full armour of God, given to the elect and remnant still living on earth; and take the sword of the spirit which is alive and energetic; sharper than any double mouthed sword and is able to cut through to the soul, the spirit, and the joints and the marrow and judge all the TRUE thoughts and intentions of the heart.
So i do bind on, and seal on the full armour of God; in the name and authority of Christ Jesus - Yeshua Messiah; and execute the written judgements; because you Lord God have given me the authority to crush snakes and scorpions under my feet, and deliver me from evil and any of the evil that walks according to this world.
so again, i refuse to recieve any hexes, vexes curses spells or incantations which have been sent to me by any unclean spirit, witch, warlock, occult practitioner, ruler and authority of this age, shaman or tribal chief or any unclean spirit working within the children of disobedience, and ask that fire come down from the heavenlies and consume them; giving back to them double unto them double accordig to their hearts; give them torment and mourning that the individuals which are practicing this wickedness will humble themselves before You and seek repentence if any, to the point of death, so that they will not die in this sin, and be saved.
Because I am a child, with power, with glory, and with strength, given by You Lord, for You, for the children whom you have sent me to; in order that they be saved from the perdition of this world.
So Lord I ask you to bless me again, and keep your hands upon me. Increase my territories and boundaries, and to protect me from the evil one; so that I do not sin against myself; sin against others; and in turn do not sin against you.
For you are the King, the Power and the Glory for everlasting, and the Lord of all creation; with your children as the lambs that only hear your voice.
In Jesus name may the Lord rebuke the deviners whom practice witchcraft while meeting and speaking with demons; even in ignorrance; that they be broken to the ends of themselvse, to see the true kingdom of heaven; through Yeshua Messiah.
I ask you to give to me a double portion of your Spirit Lord God, as you've given Elijah, and Elisha, so that I again may fight the spirits of this world for the sake of your remnant and your elect; so that none of those chosen by you will suffer pains in their dreams, and will stand able to fight, in unity and in strength against the majority whom serve the devil.
in the name and authority of Yeshua Messiah.
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 8:06 a.m. |
