a new chapter begins... -
So, my other blog is closed. 5 Years of writing, which has now come to an end. A new beginning in my heart, and in my spirit delivers this blog... because tomorrow is here today...
faith is the hope of receiving the very thing yet unseen (hebrews 11:1 : personalized)
If you hope to receive and perceive the fruits of truth toward the secret desires in your heart. First you must forgive yourself. Then you must forgive others. Finally you must love for love's sake. This is the formula for a happy and contrite spirit, and heart.
Old things will be made new, Peace will be your foundation, Love will be your compass, Wisdom will be your pointer, And God will rule your heart.
So Believe that tomorrow starts today...
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 10:54 a.m. |
