irrevocable twist of fate! -
so then! it seems that indeed, this is providence towards what has instantly occured! it is a blessing to have these events. So what events?
well, as I had disconnected my rogers isp account, my yahoo 360 blog (which up to this point has rather been my mainstay) has been "deleted" heh.
of course "deleted" only means (if I assume correctly to the functionality of IT and all of its disjointed facets) that they've associated an account service (they being yahoo) with a service cost, rather than the free account which was used to initialize that very service.
Ahhh, the wonder of administration in contrast to technology, and the proof that the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. That and poor technology administrative symbiosis. However, I'm not at all upset, offended or surprised! After all, i've had to deal with that head shaking, jaw dropping lack of commonsense from the first day that I began in this industry. Of course, i cannot at all state that "oh, its an administrative bobble-head" or that "oh, its a technology bobble-head" but rather a combination and complete unity of both!
After all, neither has any interest in accomodating the other and both act as though they are doing everything within their power to accomodate each other, while both departments quite obviously will perform at the least possible in order to accomplish their task without any desire to perform above and beyond the call of duty!
Ahhh.... modern business in the crux of its innate chaos :)
Well, at least I again, have the opportunity to continue in this blog with its wonder and invisibility to write in whatever manner I choose! Absent of all the complications or niceties which are required when I have a "friends list."
Actually, all things being equal, this is almost a perfect answer to prayer :)
not too bad at all!
so hi again, old standby blog! I am here, I am alive, and I am free from the constraints and idiocy of the provincial drama !
thanks Lord :)Labels: administration, ambiguity, blessings, Blogging, James Mendham, symbiosis, technology
Permalink | posted by James Mendham @ 8:40 p.m. |
